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Funerals at St James The Great

Our church has been supporting the bereaved and honouring the departed for centuries.  We will do everything we can to provide a fitting and respectful service with all appropriate burial rites.   

The funeral service will reflect the personality of the person who has died and the circumstances of their death. Feelings of grief, gratitude, joy and sadness can often intermingle. The form of the service will be agreed with the Rector, the Revd. Colin Wilson, and you will be able to discuss your choice of hymns, music and readings. There may also be tributes given by the family, and there will be a short address/sermon remembering the life and work of the person who has died, and the Christian belief about life beyond death. 

Planning a Funeral with Us

Once in contact, we will work with you and your nominated undertaker in order to arrange the correct memorial service for your loved one.  


For those wishing to begin this process, please contact us using the form on this page, or simply email Reverend Colin Wilson at:  


Funeral Contact Form

Thank You.  We will be in touch shortly.





St James the Great

Church Lane




SK11 9RJ


St James the Great takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at

If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues of a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at"

Safeguarding Officer: Helen French

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