The Melanesian Mission is an Anglican mission agency that provides support to the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM), through Prayer, People and Giving
St James Church Gawsworth

Can you help in anyway ?
Here are just three ways you could help in the celebration of Bishop Willie's Ministry in Gawsworth:-
1. Getting involved with some fundraising either with the Church or on your own. Contact us here
2. Setting up regular giving plan from just £1 per month or whatever you can spare. Donate here
3. Or by cheque, payable to The Melanesian Mission,
posted to The Melanesian Mission, 21 The Burlands, Feniton, Honiton, EX14 3UN
Relocation Appeal
Climate change is a reality for the people of Melanesia. Many people are having to abandon their homes, villages and islands due to increasing sea levels, flooding, unpredictable weather patterns and increased air temperatures causing crop failures.
Many communities are struggling to adapt to these changes, with limited relocation options, resources or support. In the Solomon Islands, the Anglican Church of Melanesia is working to assist communities to move to safer areas and helping them to maintain and uphold their distinctive culture and way of life.
As a region with a relatively low carbon footprint, Melanesia seems to be paying a heavy price for rest of the world’s over development and wastefulness. MMUK is campaigning for Climate Justice for the people of Melanesia, and raising funds to support those for whom it is already too late.
The Melanesian Mission plays a key role developing partnerships -
between those from the Anglican Church of Melanesia and the Church of England.
Historically the Mission would send missionaries from the UK to work with the church in the region for years at a time. Today the charity sends more and more people on short term placements from just a few weeks to one to two years.
School Partnerships (twinning) are a major project for the Melanesian Mission today. We have schools in Chester, Blackburn and Exeter Dioceses linked with schools across Melanesia. These partnerships are enabling the children to experience cross cultural learning, as well as supporting teachers through learning resources and other skills.
The charity enables church workers from Melanesia to share their life, faith and experiences with a UK audience. Study programmes, missions to the UK and long term placements for clergy all help build relationships and share the Gospel. We can also offer placements / sabbaticals for UK church workers in Melanesia. The youth and vibrancy of the Church of Melanesia has much to offer.
If you would like more details on any of these areas, please contact the charity.
Honiara Time :-

The walls of the nave at Gawsworth St James were built of limestone in 1430 and the chancel and tower of pink sandstone in 1480. The splendid nave roof, barrel beam in design at Gawsworth Church is unique in this Diocese, is over five hundred years old and shows traces of its original brilliant colouring and gilt. The chancel roof is arch camber beam in construction and has rare panelled sections with tie beams. This was never painted but this and the nave roof are of exceptional beauty of design and in excellent condition.

Most services at St James Gawsworth are based on the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.
Exceptions include our Children's/Family service on the first Sunday of every month at 10am.
Our normal service times on most Sundays are:-
8.00 am- Holy Communion
10.00 am - Sung Eucharist / or Choral Matins.
6.30 pm - Evensong

The Melanesian Mission is an Anglican mission agency that provides support to the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM), through Prayer, People and Giving

The Melanesian Mission is an Anglican mission agency that provides support to the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM), through Prayer, People and Giving

The Melanesian Mission is an Anglican mission agency that provides support to the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM), through Prayer, People and Giving